May 17, 2019

Many of you know what it is to wrestle all night in prayer. The need was so great in your life or the life of another person that what you were praying for you just could not stop praying. Jacob was left alone.  Please do not think it strange when you have to pray alone. Christians should be more faithful and dedicated but there are some who are left alone. It is almost like God has called you to himself, and like a magnet you were drawn to him to pray. Count it as a true test of your spiritual maturity. You have so walked with God that you do not need anybody to support you while you pray with God. God is all you need. The fellowship in prayer with Him more than compensates for the need to have others with you. Truth is, some times God allows things to work out so that you will be alone in prayer with Him. The need is so great, the attacks so strong that having others around some times serves as a hindrance or a distraction.