It is time for the saints of God to put into practice, to live out in their day to day life, the reality of kingdom living.  This can only be done through kingdom consciousness.  Kingdom consciousness is simply stepping up by faith into the kingdom of God, entering His presence.  It is not something that happens physically but is a conscious experience based on your decision to use your faith to believe that you are in the presence of God and you keep the word of God. 

You have been born of the Spirit, and Jesus said in His word, that the kingdom of heaven is within you (Luke 17:21).  Therefore it should be a priority with you to seek the realities of the kingdom in your day to day life on earth.  Jesus even taught that you should pray, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Mat. 6:9, 10).  No more should you get caught up on the things happening to you or around you.  No more should you faint nor become weary or frustrated because of the attacks of the enemy.  No more should your needs overwhelm you.  No more should you allow the devil to overcome you, people to hurt you, situations to take from you all that God has given you.  All you need do now is to step up when challenged in any way or by anybody or anything.  Step up above the challenges, the attacks, the suffering, the trials, the temptations, even the enemy, into the kingdom, into the presence of God. You step up by the word or by using the word. Yu step up in the word.

Again, stepping up is simply using your faith to enter the presence of God.  Stepping up is simply making a decision to become kingdom conscious.  True, you may be going through, but you are making a quality decision to use your faith to rise above what you are going through by entering the presence of God.  By stepping up you are saying that you refuse to be brought down to the level of what you are going through.  You are saying that it is your decision, your choice, to rise above it all and enter the presence of your God where there is peace, love, and answers for what you are going through.

God rules in His kingdom, not the enemy. God reigns and has dominion in His kingdom, not worldly troubles or needs.  Remember, you are with Him – in His presence.  He is in charge.  You must remember in each separate thing you go through that you must make the decision to by faith stand with God the Father, in His presence, above all that threatens you.  Never let what you go through, worldly problems or needs bring you down to their level again. Step up in the word and keep stepping up and out!

For a deeper understanding of what all of this means just think of what is in the kingdom of God.  God is there, the Holy Spirit, Jesus (making intercession for you according to the will of God the Father), power that overcomes all things and that can do all things, the Word, wisdom, faith, Love, mercy, grace, righteousness, all knowledge and understanding, peace, patience, health or wholeness, joy, plenty supply.  There are no needs in the kingdom, and you want for nothing.  When you make a decision to, by faith, stand in the presence of God, you also stand in the presence of all that is in the kingdom (all the above and much more).  Then as His child you have a right to ask for His will to be done in your life as it is in His kingdom.  Praise the Lord!!!

Let these two things go deep into your spirit: #1) It is your decision to use your faith to enter the presence of God.  It is called kingdom consciousness.  What you believe based on the word and will of God is real.  Remember, faith is substance and faith is evidence.  #2) If you can just get into God’s presence where there is no lack, where all needs are met, where you have access to all you need to prosper and be in good health; if you can just get a word or direction from God the Father, you can overcome what you are going through or have what you need to go through it.

Now when you pray, you pray with understanding.  You know what is in the kingdom of God.  Thus when you pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done”, into your life and that of others, you know what you are praying upon yourself and others.  You are praying for what is in the kingdom to come and be manifested in your life or in the life of the one you are praying for or for the situation that you are praying for.  It is powerful!  Then when you add the words, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, it shows God that you trust Him and His will for you life; that He has free course to do His will  – what, when and how He wants to do it.  It shows that you fully trust God.  You put out of your hands and off your heart the need, the problem, the attack, the temptation, all, and trust God to do His will concerning what you are going through, “as it is in heaven”.  Then let it go fully; release it and allow God to bring the manifestation of His will for your life or for the person or thing or situation that you are praying for.  And He will do it!!!

Remember, kingdom consciousness is a decision to use your faith to believe that you are standing in the presence of God, in his kingdom, far above what you are going through.  You are stepping up out of the worldly problems and needs around you and entering the presence of God where there is enough of what you need to overcome, to be blessed, and to bless others.  Enter today by faith and experience the manifestation of the realities of kingdom living.