April 27, 2019

We find, in the book of Habakkuk a prophet in a state of confusion. How could God who created this earth… who rules and reigns over the affairs of the earth stand back and watch it be destroyed? How could a holy God, who knows no sin or evil, allow evil to triumph over what belongs to Him? For the prophet, this was perplexing; it left him with a heavy burden for the people of God. And to make matters worse, on top of all of this, God told the prophet what He was about to do. “I will raise up another nation, your enemy, to fight you…to war against you until you are a conquered people again.” How could God who loves His people, whose nature is agape (unconditional love) send their enemy among them to destroy them?  It was mind boggling. Yet, we know God. He does all things by His will. He has a purpose. And if it is His purpose to do things this way to get what He wants, then so let it be. He will get what He wants from His creation.