We are a new generation, saved by faith through grace. Never should we forget what the Lord has done for us. And let there be no doubt, our success as a church, as a people, will be determined by our obedience to God today. And our daily goal should be to get rooted in the word of God; to love and obey God, knowing that if we do, God will bless us and we will win in the battles of life. We are at the place where it is time to take the next step of faith. God desires for us to prosper, to establish His will and kingdom on earth, to be His sanctuary in the earth, to overcome all attempts of the evil one to destroy our lives. To do this we must move forward; we must step out by faith and enter our promise land. Our promise land is grace -or- living life in the Spirit of God. This is the will of God for us.
October 2, 2013
Posted on October 2, 2013 Written by