God rules in His kingdom, not the enemy. God reigns and has dominion in His kingdom, not worldly troubles or needs. Remember, you are with Him – in His presence. He is in charge. You must remember in each separate thing you go through that you must make the decision to by faith stand with God the Father, in His presence, above all that threatens you. Never let what you go through bring you down to their level again. Step up and keep stepping up and out! Stepping up is simply using your faith to enter the presence of God. Stepping up is simply making a decision to become kingdom conscious. True, you may be going through, but you are making a quality decision to use your faith to rise above what you are going through by entering the presence of God. By stepping up you are saying that you refuse to be brought down to the level of what you are going through. You are saying that it is your decision, your choice, to rise above it all and enter the presence of your God where there is peace, love, and answers for what you are going through.
October 16, 2013
It is time for the saints of God to put into practice the reality of kingdom living. This can only be done through kingdom consciousness. Kingdom consciousness is simply stepping up by faith into the kingdom of God, entering His presence. It is not something that happens physically but is a conscious experience based on your decision to use your faith to believe that you are in the presence of God. You have been born of the Spirit, and Jesus said in His word, that the kingdom of heaven is within you (Luke 17:21). Therefore it should be a priority with you to seek the realities of the kingdom in your day to day life on earth. Jesus even taught that you should pray, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Mat. 6:9,10). No more should you get caught up on the things happening to you or around you. No more should you faint nor become weary or frustrated because of the attacks of the enemy. No more should your needs overwhelm you. No more should you allow the devil to overcome you, people to hurt you, situations to take from you all that God has given you. All you need do now is to step up when challenged in any way or by anybody or anything. Step up above the challenges, the attacks, the suffering, the trials, the temptations, even the enemy, into the kingdom, into the presence of God.
Healing Scriptures
Prov 4:20-23 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. 23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
We have reached the place in our Christian walk where it is time to live by faith. This is something that we must learn to do. And let me quickly add that God is not looking over us to beat us when we fail at it. We will fall until we get it right.
First let me say that faith is from God. He originated it. He birthed it into being, not the Devil. Before the fall of Adam faith was in the earth and Adam (Eve) lived by faith. But after the fall of Adam, Adam and all that were born from Him, to include you and me, lived by the five senses – sight, touch, hearing, smelling, tasting. But sense the death and resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus the Christ, and especially the coming of the Holy Spirit, faith can take its proper place in the lives of those who live for God in the earth. And little by little believers have learned and began to live by faith. (This may be a little different the next time you hear it but the main point will be the same.) [Read more…]
October 15, 2015
Moses would have never lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt unless he was consecrated to obey God and pass the test and challenges before Him. Abraham would have never been the Father of faith unless He was consecrated to separate himself in obedience to God. Mary would have never been the mother of Jesus, had she not been consecrated to the place where she could say, “according to thy word be it unto me”. Simeon would have never seen the Lord had he not been consecrated to be lead of the Spirit and to obey God. Anna would have never seen the Lord had she not been consecrated to prayer. Luke 2:37 … she departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.
October 14, 2015
Are you absolutely surrendered to God and the call of God on your life? Are you at the place of complete or full separation unto God, separating from the old life and the worldly ways to the New Life in Christ? Are you dependent upon God in all things? Has God ministered to you and have you ministered to Him? You can not minister to others until you first have ministered to the Lord. You will be proven. You will be tested and tried. All servants of God will be proven. The reason for these test is to bring you to a place of absolute and unquestioning obedience, to teach you to walk according to the Spirit of God and not the will of man nor the will of the flesh.
October 13, 2013
The Bible clearly reveals that the people that God used greatly were fully devoted to Him. Moses on the back side of the mountain. Abraham left all in obedience to God’s call on his life. John the Baptist in the desert place. Paul spent three years alone with God to receive the great revelations about Christ. Even Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness alone before starting His ministry. There were others set apart unto the Lord, so much so that “they loved not their lives unto the death (Rev. 12:11). They gave their all. They knew that they no longer belong to themselves. They were sold out to God. Life or death, it did not matter to them. They knew why they were in the earth, and that was to do the revealed will of God and bring Him glory. So they did not mind being set aside. They did not mind being hidden until God’s appointed time. No jealousies. No fights. Not mad with God. But ready to deny themselves, ready to die daily so that the life of Christ might manifested in their lives.
October 12, 2013
There is no greater consecration. There is no deeper walk with God, when you can stand and say that you are ready to die for Christ sake. When you can stand and say that the will of God is more important to you than your very life. You enter a level of consecration that will bring you before God for great works. Part of which has to do with 1) God being able to live in you, and 2) God being able to pass His life through you to minister to those He want to reach for the kingdom sake. You have this calling? You have been chosen for this hour, for these later days. You do not have the luxury to grow weary. God won’t allow you to say, I am tired. You are not permitted to be turned off, to have attitudes, to leave or drop off the scene. You have been chosen by God Almighty. Therefore, to respond to your calling; to respond to the will of God for your life and for the will of God, you must walk in the word and the will of God and the Spirit of God.
October 11, 2013
God has always used special, chosen people to do His works in the earth. These people surrendered completely to God. They yielded their lives totally to His will. They were not afraid to say yes to God. God used them to establish His will, His word, His presence in the earth. You have that same calling today. Tell me, why can’t you spend a whole evening watching TV? Why are you made to fast when other saints are eating all they want to eat? Why are you ordered to separate yourself from certain people when others can get close to whomever they wish? Why won’t God let you take a day off from prayer like some others you know? The reason: you are called to a deeper, consecration walk with God. There will be no peace, no rest, no contentment, until you give God what He wants. He wants all of you. This is why I say that your consecration must go deeper than it is right now. For God to pass His life through you, His fruit through you, His power through you, His gifts through you, His anointing through you, His divine will though you, you must have a deeper consecration. You must go all the way with Him in all things.
October 10, 2013
Who here, like the Saints of old, is ready for a deeper walk with God, so that the life and power of God might be manifested greater in the earth? Who here, like the saints in the Old and New Testaments, is ready to say yes to God and His purpose for your life? When God was ready to move in the earth He chose a man or a woman to work through. People got delivered; families were blessed; healings took place; souls were saved; the enemy was put under foot; towns and cities were restored; the desert place blossomed; joy returned to the people; blessings were poured out on all who believed and acted in faith. Today is your time.