October 27, 2013

The word of God is a creative word, a creative force. According to the creation account, things came into being when God spoke words. The psalmist wrote, “By the word of LORD were the heavens made” (Psa. 33:6,9), “For he spake, and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast.” And from the writer of Hebrews, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God (Heb. 11:3). God’s power is in His word.  It will not return to Him empty. Isa. 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Meditate this.

October 26, 2013

Haven’t you heard of Prov 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he? You become what you think in your heart. You have what you think, what you hold in your heart. The Christian holds the word of God in their heart in faith and that is what they become; that is what they have, that is what they receive. Now you know why those hard knock. The enemy is trying to knock the word right out of you. Now you know why you are having it so hard. You are not suppose to keep the word in your heart in faith. But you make up your mind that no matter what it takes, no matter what you go through, you are going to keep what God has given to you. You are going to hold on to the words He has sown into your heart, for it is going to come to pass, if you faint not.

October 25, 2013

God will not give you a rod today. He will not give to you a mantle. Nowhere in the New Testament will you find a rod or a mantle. But you will find God giving His word.  God will give His word. You have to hold that word in your heart in faith. What do you mean hold the word of God in faith? You keep the word in your heart and before your eyes, and in your mouth at all times. It sounds silly but it works. You meditate on it day and night. You hold it in faith. You allow nothing to take the word from you, to distract you, to cause you to lose your focus on the word of God. There will be trials; there will be test to take your mind off the word. You will go through great suffering and woes; but keep the word in your heart, before your eyes and in your mouth. The Devil will attack your body for the word sake. He will attack your family to get to you. But keep the word in your heart and in due season God will bring that word to pass.

October 24, 2013

What did God give to Mary, the person that was about to become a handmaiden of the Lord, an instrument in the hands of God, the servant of God? What did He give to the one who would give birth to His Son in the earth? What did He give to the willing vessel that He would work through to manifest Himself in the earth?  For she told the angel: Luke 1:38 “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” He gave to Mary His word. She had nothing but what He said to her…No mantle…No rod. She had to hold God’s word in faith. Her part was to hold the word in her heart in faith. Don’t drop it. Don’t doubt it. Don’t turn it a loose.  Hold it in your heart until God brings it to pass. How would He bring it to pass? Answer: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee. In other words, the Holy Spirit has to do His work. Can you hold the word in faith until the Holy Spirit completes His work?

October 23, 2013

The ultimate purpose for those who believe on the Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ is to “go and bear fruit”. You reach the height of your life in Christ when you “go and bear fruit”. As children of God, we have been chosen and ordained by God (John 15:16); and have been given the same ministry of Christ Himself: to go into all the world and bear fruit among men and women. We have not chosen ourselves. We have not ordained ourselves. But God has chosen us and ordained us. We are going forth under His authority. Thus it becomes our Christian right, our new birth right, our kingdom right to receive all that God has for us as we go about doing His will in the earth.

October 22, 2013

Those who now live for God and with God in His kingdom must hold the word of God in faith. What you hold in faith will come to pass if you 1) hold it never doubting, and 2) if you allow the Holy Spirit to do His work. You are in the kingdom now. You use what God use. You obey Him in all things. What is God directing you to do? How is He directing you to do it? This is so important. Everything changes in the kingdom of God. You are led by His Spirit in all things. Your life will change. Your prayer life will change. The only thing that He wants you to do is to be faithful, to obey Him and to stay focus on the word. Fill your heart and spirit with the word of God.

October 21, 2013

Why call yourselves Christians and lack the things you need to live the Christian life or lack what you need to do the work you are called to do. It doesn’t make sense. Why would God call you to serve Him in the earth and withhold from you what you need to serve? Brothers and sisters, God has fully equipped you. You have all you need to serve God in this earth; it is just a matter of learning what you have and how to use it for God’s glory. Moses had a rod.  When the LORD God called him to service, he made all kinds of excuses why he could not go and do what God wanted Him to do.  He was too old.  He was tongue-tied.  The people would not believe him.  But God asked him a question – “What is that in thine hand?”  It was a rod.  God took what he had in his hand and made it an instrument for His purpose and plans.  God gave him a rod to use to prove that he was sent by God to lead the Hebrew people out of bondage, to set them free.  He had something that he could use.  He had something that would bring results. Elijah had a mantle. If you are a Bible student then you know how important these things were to the servants of God. They were natural objects used by God to bring about a spiritual phenomenon in the earth.  Truly it can be said, “with God nothing shall be impossible”.

October 20, 2013

God has called us to pray. Your have a prayer ministry. Thus you have power in prayer. Power in prayer enables you to demonstrate the reality of the life of God in the earth. Your goal is to pray in power so that the manifestation of the presence of God and the will of God might be dominant where you are and in the lives of those you are praying for. All the things that God would have in the earth, His will that He would have done will come only as a result of real prayer. Who will give themselves to prayer? Who will answer the call to pray faithfully?

October 19, 2013

Now when you pray, you pray with understanding. You know what is in the kingdom of God. Thus when you pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done”, into your life and that of others, you know what you are praying upon yourself and others. You are praying for what is in the kingdom to come and be manifested in your life or in the life of the one you are praying for or for the situation that you are praying for. It is powerful! Then when you add the words, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, it shows God that you trust Him and His will for you life; that He has free course to do  His will  – what, when and how He wants to do it. It shows that you fully trust God. You put out of your hands and off your heart the need, the problem, the attack, the temptation, all, and trust God to do His will concerning what you are going through, “as it is in heaven”. Then let it go fully; release it and allow God to bring the manifestation of His will for your life or for the person or thing or situation that you are praying for.  And He will do it!!!

October 18, 2013

Today, let these two things go deep into your spirit: #1) It is your decision to use your faith to enter the presence of God.  It is called kingdom consciousness.  What you believe based on the word and will of God is real.  Remember, faith is substance and faith is evidence. #2) If you can just get into God’s presence where there is no lack, where all needs are met, where you have access to all you need to prosper and be in good health; if you can just get a word or direction from God the Father, you can overcome what you are going through or have what you need to go through.