When God gets the man, when He gets the woman, then they get the provision. Some are wondering how: How are you going to do the will of God. Where is the money going to come from? Who is going to help you? How many of you can attest to the reality that when you submit to the will of God, God gives you the provision you need, the strength you need, the wisdom you need, the answers you need, the directions you need, everything you need to carry out His will in the earth. He leaves nothing to chance nor to human effort. All comes from God and is done by God so that He might get all the glory. You are His servant, the instrument He works through, channels His will through, and His blessings through so that His will might be done in the earth. Stay in His word. Stay in is will. Stay in His Spirit and your life will be a manifestation of His life in the earth.
December 12, 2013
God’s will is in His word. Read it. Study it. Meditate on it, day and night. Everyone who knows the will of God and does it is guaranteed success and victory. No where in the Bible will you find a man or woman failing when they are in the will of God and doing the will of God. Did they have difficulties? Yes. But the Lord delivered them out of them all. Were there trials? Yes, on every hand, but the Lord gave them victory over their trials. Never will you be defeated when you know and do the will of God for your life. For God never fails. God’s will chart the way for the chosen servants of God. It is a spiritual blueprint. God’s will directs your life, orders your steps. When you come to a crossroad, God’s will is there to show you the way to go. You have a knowing deep down on the inside that this is what you are to do next. is will becomes your peace, your assurance and you are not able to rest or stop until you have done what He wants you to do.
December 11, 2013
The Spirit speaking through Ananias said to Paul in Acts 22:14 “The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth. 15 For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard.” These words, though spoken to Paul, come to you today. There is something about them that sting at the core of your being. These words are alive. Though you have strayed…though you have made many mistakes…though you are not what you want to be right now…though nothing is going right for you, the voice of God in you is saying “I have chosen you, that you should know my will, and see that Just One, and should hear the voice of my mouth. For you shall be my witness unto all men of what you have seen and heard.”
December 10, 2013
It is not strange that God wants you. He has made you in His image, after His likeness. He has put purpose into you. Your life is not an accident. The day you were born, even before then, God had a purpose for your life. He knew His will for you, whether you acknowledged it or not. This is why there has been such a struggle in your life. This is why you have gone through great heartaches and pain in life. This is why the enemy has constantly tried to destroy you and yours. Because you have to be stopped. Somehow, you have to be turned back. What God has put into you must never come forth. It must be snuffed out, never to come to fruition in this world. But look, you are still here. God has kept you. He has preserved you, believing that one day you would remember what you sensed in your heart years ago — that there is something special about you… that there is a special reason why you have been born. And only you can do what God called you to do.
December 9, 2013
History reveals that when God desires to shape or shake a nation or a people, to turn humankind from self, sin, evil and Satan to love, faith, righteousness and godliness, He always chooses a human being – not a system, not an organization…but a man or a woman. Denominations, institutions, organizations, have somehow forgotten this and have their followers believing that it is the institution, the organization, the system, and/or the denomination that has brought them thus far the way. But not so, it has been God working through His chosen vessels. God working His will into their lives, His word into them, His Spirit into them, His faith into them that has made the difference in our world and in the lives of the people of the world today. No institution ever produced a Mt.Carmel victory. No denomination ever led in a Red Sea crossing. No organization could ever plan and execute a lion’s den miracle. God did it, using individuals who heard His voice and obeyed His will.
December 6, 2013
The enemy wants you to think that you are going to loose. He wants you to think that all is loss. But you have got to remember that you belong to the LORD. You came out of God. You have been born of God. You are in this earth for a reason, a purpose. God is going to use your life to pass His will through into this earth. And your life will glorify Him. Your life will be a praise unto Him. Just like the moon and the stars. Just like the birds and the bees. Just like the flowers and the trees. Your life will be a praise unto God and a reflection of Him in the earth.
December 5, 2013
Let us not live another day the way we have been living. Let us forget about what man will say. Let us be determined to live life the way God wants us to live in this earth. Let us take the word of God and let us be filled with the Spirit of God that we might know the will of God for our lives. And let us not be afraid to live out the will of God in the earth. Isaiah and the people of God were in a hard place, but look at the word that came out of the prophet. He said in so many words that hard times are not going to destroy you. The difficult places in life are not going to overcome you. Why? Because God is your God. God is your strength. Let God speak into your life when those times come. He will be the strength you need to make it through.
December 4, 2013
David was a man who learned to turn His life over to God. He was a man who learned to trust God completely. He was a man who lived in the word, who meditated the scriptures day and night. He found out that life was not his way, but God’s way. This is what you have to find out. This life is God’s way. All of your life must be in God’s hands. You must totally trust God. You must allow God to work in you His will. Then God will be strength to you. It is something when you learn that it is not about you. There is a surrender deep down on the inside of you. You give up your way for God’s way. You exchange strength with God, whereby God is the strength of your life. You find yourself. You find your purpose. You find all the help, the strength you need to do the work that God wants you to do in the earth.
Healing Scriptures
Jer 7:23 But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.
December 3, 2013
Isa 25:4 For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. In the trials of life, In the storms that come against you, God offers Himself to meet our every need. We are not alone. We are not forgotten. He is our strength. He is strength to the poor. He is strength to the needy in distress. All you ever will need in your walk with Him, He sees to it that you have it.