December 27, 2013

Because many do not know the word of God, they try to fight their own battles – in carnal ways.  They try to overcome in self.  But the word teaches us that though we are in the flesh we do not war after the flesh.  This is spiritual warfare; and the first thing we take back if we are going to win in these battles is our mind.  For the only way the devil can defeat you, hold you in bondage, take what belongs to you – your kingdom blessings, make you his slave and prisoner for life is to hold under siege the control center of your life – your mind.  May I plant some spiritual knowledge in you today? Your mind belongs to you. God gave it to you. Not only that, but your body belongs to you, your spirit, will, imagination, conscious, everything given to humankind in the creation belongs to you. The devil and the world want what belong to you – so much so that they will deceive to get it and even fight you to get it. When Jesus came into your life, you received eternal life. You became a citizen of the kingdom of God. Thus you are to no longer think like the world, talk like the world, nor act like the world. You have a new spirit in you now. God has equipped you with all you need to live in the earth and advance His will and never return to a life of bondage again.

December 26, 2013

No one ever told us that our battles are spiritual battles. We have been fighting in self, in the flesh, trying to overcome the trials, the attacks, and the difficulties of life. How many of you are going through something, you are trying hard to come out of it but nothing you do seems to be working? It is a spiritual battle. One of the biggest tricks of the enemy is to keep you ignorant of his devices. It is a screen to keep you from knowing the truth. The enemy knows that if you knew that you were an overcomer; if you knew that by the stripes of Jesus you were healed, if you knew that no weapon formed against you shall prosper, if you knew that all things work together for good, if you knew that faith worketh by love, if you knew that the Lord will supply all your need, then nothing and no one could in any way stop you from having the joy, victory, peace and prosperity that is yours in Christ Jesus.

December 25, 2013

It is time for you to use your own mind instead of letting the devil and the world use your mind. Think for yourself. Don’t let the enemy do your thinking. God has given to you your mind; use it to do the will of God and to advance His purpose in the earth. That is why we are here; that’s the only reason why we are here in the earth. All of our born again life we have been in some kind of spiritual warfare. The purpose of that warfare has been to dominate your mind, soul and body. Your mind is the control center of your life. If it can be overtaken and controlled, then the devil can have his way in your life and thus in the world. Paul tells us something in II Cor. 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: “For we, Eph. 6:12, wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Today, in Christ, we have the victory!

December 24, 2013

You are called to give your all to God. Those who are chosen do not hesitate to give their all. Out of gratitude…  Out of a thankful heart…out of dedication and commitment…the chosen turns their backs on the world. There is nothing in the world anymore for them. Their dream…their goal…their aim is to please God and obey His word and to witness of His love and his grace. They are not ashamed to tell what God has done for them. They stand humble, yet bold to speak of the goodness of God. They are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They have to share with the world what God has given to them. The chosen stands while others compromise.  They will not waver when it comes to the will of God. They will not turn back for they have nothing to turn back for. They have left all, and their witness will chill your bones. Their sacrifice will soften the hardest heart.  They have to tell what the Lord has done for them. Those who are chosen have spent countless hours in the presence of God, face to face; those one on one moments with God. When they tell the story; when they witness to the glory of God, not only can you hear it in their voice, you see it on their faces.  For the glory of God only rest upon those who abide in His presence.

December 23, 2013

God gives us the faith of Abraham; the courage of Elijah; the wisdom of Salomon; the utter trust and love of David; the death-defying determination of Daniel; the bold submission of Stephen; the unwavering stature of Paul; the boldness and single-mindedness of Peter. God allows us to be tested and tried. Imprisoned and deserted.  He watches as we go through wilderness experiences, lion’s dens, burning fiery furnaces. He allows men to abuse us, accuse us, beat us, and put us to shame. We learn through experience that “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;  9Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; 10Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.” (II Cor. 4:8-11) Dying but living for Christ sake. Going through yet overcoming. All because we have become God’s witnesses in the earth. Our lives tell the story that our God is an awesome God, he reigns from heaven above.

December 20, 2013

Throughout the scriptures we hear these words:  Obey my voice … do all that I speak … diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God … give ear to His commands, do what is right in His sight … God will bless you, keep you, protect you, fight for you, heal you, prosper you, deliver you, give you peace and victory. God’s voice demands obedience. His voice directs us to “come out from among them and be ye separate.” His voice describes the exact procedure in the exact place at the exact time. His voice speaks success by His power. Do you want to win in the battle of life? Do you want to experience victory over your enemies? Then, hear the voce of God in all things. This is your victory. This is how you win in the battles of life.

December 19, 2013

How were the men of old able to do exploits, bring down multitudes of armies, bring the dead back to life, cross the Red Sea, kill giants? They heard the voice of God. How were the New Testament Saints able to stand against cruel mocking, persecutions, great trials and tribulations, endure hardness like good soldiers, and win victory in their darkest hours? They heard the voice of God and obeyed. Their key or secret was in hearing the Voice of God. If you want victory in your life; if you want to do God’s will, hear the voice of God. If you want to overcome the attacks of the enemy, hear the voice of God. If you want to prosper, hear the voice of God. If you want to be healed, hear the voice of God. If you want deliverance, hear the voice of God. God has a voice and He will speak to you in your time of need. Seek Him with all your heart. Stay on your face before Him until He speaks into your spirit. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.

December 18, 2013

Hearing the voice of God is so important to those who serve God. Those who will allow the Holy Spirit to discipline them to hear God’s voice will bear much fruit for the kingdom of God on earth. There is life in the voice of God and there is power in the voice of God. And that power and life God wants to plant into those who serve Him in the earth. His purpose: to advance His kingdom on earth. Have you heard the voice of God? Has He ever spoken to you? If you are going to grow spiritually; if you are going to do the will of God, you must experience Christ in you, as your life. Do you believe that God has a perfect will for your life? Then how is His will communicated to you? You hear His voice in your spirit. To do the will of God you must obey His voice.  Search the scriptures; those who accomplished the will of God heard His voice. God spoke, someone listened and obeyed and the will of God was done in the earth.  GOD HAS A VOICE!!!  Have you heard His voice?

December 17, 2013

The thing that establishes God’s will in your life and convinces you that what you are about to do is real, is right for you, is meeting God one on one, face to face. What Paul found in meeting God on the road to Damascus changed his whole life. What Moses found in meeting God at a burning bush made him another person and a leader of God‘s people. What Joshua found in meeting the Lord settled Him and convinced Him that he could lead God’s people into the Promised Land and conquer every foe. Other servants were willing to die for what they found in meeting God face to face. That one encounter made them fearless, moved all doubts, gave them all the faith and confidence they need to do God’s will. Because of their encounter, meeting God, they never look to themselves anymore. God was their all in all. They never considered their own weaknesses, the conditions of their own bodies because they found that through submitting to the will of God, God made Himself responsible for all of their needs. Beloved, when you fall on your face before God; when you surrender your all to Him to seek His face and will for your life, He comes and releases into you His presence, His life. His Spirit, His all. Study the lives of the servants of God; they all had an encounter with Him. He made Himself real to them. Let Him know that you are ready to do His will…that you will obey Him and give your all.

December 16, 2013

God has a plan for your life. I believe that He has been preparing you before you were ever willing to do His will. God has a way of shaping His servants for the work He has for them to do before they even know that work. You may not know it but you are at the right place and at the right time of your life. It is time to submit to the will of God for you. Why has things gone the way they have gone for you? God’s hand has been in your life to bring you to this appointed time. Why has life been so hard? Why have you had to fight your way through life, nothing came with ease for you? God has been allowing these things to come to pass to get you ready to do His will. It is time for you to forsake your way, turn completely to God, acknowledge Him in all you do, and He will direct your paths. Stop listening to others; they will hinder you. Stop judging yourself; you will never be good enough. And then, know this: only the will of God, knowing and doing His will, will fulfill you.