May I ask you a question? What happened? What happened? What took away your faith in God? What happened? What took away your fear or respect for God? What happen? What did God do to you to make you not love Him anymore? What did God do to make you not want to serve Him anymore? What happened? May I tell you something? Sin is a terrible thing. When a person abounds in sin and refuses to come out you lose your mind. I’m not talking about going crazy; I am talking about a mind unable to make the right choices. Sin will cause you to lose your mind. You lose your will – your will to do the will of God. You lose your desire – your desire to please God. When you look around, Satan and the world and your flesh is in total control of your mind and your life, and you are not living at all the way God created you to live.
May 16, 2014
The call on your life is serious. You have been called to serve God. You have been called to walk in this earth by faith and glorify God in all you say and do. To do that, you must do it God’s way. Does God have your attention? Does he have your attention yet? I pray so. I do not want you to go through what Jacob went through. Obey God. Keep His word. Be the vessel that He wants you to be. Seek to please Him in all of your ways.
May 15, 2014
God wants to bless you. Better than that, He wants to use you. But you won’t surrender your will for His will. Listen, you are not going to win. You are not going to win trying to do it your way. God won’t let you win. The best that you can do is surrender. Let go. Let old things pass away. Then let God make all things new. If you have been broken, maybe, just maybe now God has your attention. If you are at your end, maybe, just maybe now God has your attention. If life has gone crazy on you, maybe, just maybe now God has your attention. If not, God can wait. God will allow. But why does life have to break you? Why does God have to turn your life upside down?
May 14, 2014
Sometimes God will allow you to be broken. God will allow you to come to your end. He will allow the rug to be snatched from under your feet. Why? Because you won’t listen to Him. You won’t trust Him. You still want to do things your way. God has to let the house fall in on you. Why? To get your attention. You are not broken enough. You are not humble enough. Your ego and pride is still in the way. Self is still in the way.
May 13, 2014
If it were not for God discerning your true heart desire right now, there would be no hope for you today. Be glad that He looks beyond our faults, mistakes and failures to our heart’s desire. But you could have gotten to your goal faster had you listen to God. You could have reached your heart’s desire had you gone about it God’s way. You would not be so broken now, so hurt, so disappointed had you waited for God to bring to pass all that He has promised you. But hold on, it is still not too late.
May 12, 2014
If you could see what God see. You see a sinner. You see weakness. You see a lowlife. You see a nobody. You see a failure. But God sees somebody that He can turn into a prince or princess. God sees somebody when completely yielded, He can use and bless the world. People in the world, even some in the church can always see the worst in folk, but God is always searching for the good. God always discerns the true hearts desire. And that’s it. Let God see your heart. Even though you can not see what God can see, let Him see the real you. I know it is hard. It makes you feel vulnerable, but if you can get pass your feelings and get into faith. If you could just let go and trust the word, you life would never be the same. Read the word again and see the expressions of the kingdom of God. Then believe what you read. It is your time.
May 11, 2014
A lot of you messed up. You did it your way. You kept on walking, acting like you did not hear God. You still have your pride. Your ego is still working. You have a good job. People can not readily see your flows. In fact many may speak well of you but on the inside you are a lowlife. The only thing that is keeping you here…not your money, not anything good that you are doing, not your position, but the fact that God loves you and He still wants to use your life. Did you hear that? God loves you and He wants you back. You belong to Him, failures and all. He will take you just like you are. Give Him your life today. Surrender your all. Tell Him that you are willing to be what He wants you to be. Then let go. Let go of your pass. Let go of your failures. Surrender your all.
May 10, 2014
You could be the lowest and the weakest one among us today. You could have committed every sin in the book. Every man in town may know you. Lust could be dripping off of your lips. But because God loves you, you still qualify, you still count, you still have a chance, there is still something in you that God can use, if you but give your life to Him fully. For with God, it is not what you have done but what He is going to do to make you. It is not your past; it is what He is going to do with your future, if you but give Him a chance. You could be a worm, but God took the worm and made a prince, and the prince had power with God and man. [Praise Him!]
May 8, 2014
The Lord’s dealings have to do with the times when God comes into your life to squeeze you, to mold you and shape you, to spin you on the potter’s wheel, to place you in a wilderness experience, to see that you go through a dry place, to make sure you know and can appreciate the fiery furnace, to prepare you, to get you ready to serve Him in the earth. And the last battle ground you will experience is you. That’s right, you; not liquor, not smoking, not the lust of the flesh, not your sins, but you. Does God have your full attention yet? Do you will to do the will of God for you life? Have you fully let go of all those things that are not like God? Are you truly committed to God? Is you all on the altar of sacrifice? Does you heart the Spirit control? Do you believe God?
May 7, 2014
The Lord’s dealings have to do with the times when God comes into your life to squeeze you, to mold you and shape you, to spin you on the potter’s wheel, to place you in a wilderness experience, to see that you go through a dry place, to make sure you know and can appreciate the fiery furnace, to prepare you, to get you ready to serve Him in the earth. And the last battle ground you will experience is you. That’s right, you; not liquor, not smoking, not the lust of the flesh, not your sins, but you. Does God have your full attention yet? Do you will to do the will of God for you life? Have you fully let go of all those things that are not like God? Are you truly committed to God? Is you all on the altar of sacrifice? Does you heart the Spirit control? Do you believe God?