The kingdom of heaven is within you; it is here and now. With the mind and imagination you are able to express it, also with faith. But the key to all of this is what the Holy Spirit does or speaks. I believe that the kingdom of God rules, reigns and takes dominion wherever you are. For the kingdom of heaven is within you. In other words, where you are the kingdom is. Whoever and whatever is in that sphere is under the influence of the kingdom. Providing your spirit is strong and full of God’s Spirit. Now we see things, situations as they would be in the kingdom and pray or speak accordingly. That is pray and speaking according to the Word by the Spirit – it is but to speak a word of faith given by the Spirit. If not, speak the word of God, as you know it. Then miracles. People will come hearing a word by knowing/experiencing kingdom life you can translate to words, reality of what is in the kingdom. Closed doors, disappointments are means by which God get you to the open doors.
August 24, 2013
Posted on August 24, 2013 Written by